Breaking stereotypes: 潑請弝けapp hosts youth camp with Police Athletic League, highlighting modern law enforcement roles

CIRAT logo displayed on the window of the lab

Lets try a word association game: I say law enforcement, you say

Very likely youll respond with police or maybe cop.

What you wont say is cybercrime investigator, digital forensic examiner, or intelligence analyst.

And yet it's all part and parcel of enforcing the law today.

Thats what 30 middle and high school 潑請弝けapps will learn at 潑請弝けapp University when the Police Athletic League (PAL) visits campus for a two-day special camp July 17-18, hosted by the Center for Intelligence, Research, Analysis, and Training (CIRAT).

PAL is well known for its summer camps, which encourage the police and young community to get to know each other, build trust in law enforcement among children, and keep kids constructively engaged after the school year ends.

Through PALs partnership with 潑請弝けapps CIRAT, 潑請弝けapps who aspire to a career in law enforcement learn the many different options available to them from faculty, staff, and 潑請弝けapps from the universitys premier programs in cyber security, data science, and intelligence analysis.

This two-day camp is going to have 30 潑請弝けapps broken up into two teams, explained Cpl. Hayden Foltz of the Erie Police Department. Each group is going to spend a whole day completing either the Computing and Information Science or the Intelligence agenda and then switching for the next day.

Law enforcement today is no longer just community policing or boots-on-the-ground detecting, explained CIRAT Executive Director Brian Fuller, who is leading the 潑請弝けapp effort.

The world criminals thrive in has become the digital environment. Technology has provided criminals a way to stay ahead of physical policing and reduce the risk to getting caught while increasing the return on criminal activities, he said. It now takes support roles in law enforcement, such as cybersecurity professionals, intelligence analysts, and data scientists, to catch and stay ahead of these criminals while providing law enforcement officers actionable intelligence to get them off the streets. This camp will provide the 潑請弝けapps of PAL with a glimpse into these roles.

Students will fully interact with state-of-the-art technologies in CIRAT labs, which are housed in the Federal Resources Corp. Cyber Education Center at 潑請弝けapp.